Choosing the Right Washer Fluid

During the colder weather months, drivers find themselves using more windshield washer fluid. Street surfaces are generally sloppier and can kick up snow, salt, mud and grime that require washer fluid to help out your windshield wipers.

You might be tempted to pick up the least expensive blue fluid you can find, but sometimes that's not the best choice.

Pure water is not a great idea because it can freeze in cold weather and potentially damage the lines in your vehicle that carry the fluid. Spraying water on your windshield in freezing temperatures can result in a layer of blinding ice that will obstruct your view.

Different windshield washer fluids are made for different climates. Many will contain alcohol to prevent them from freezing. Sometimes the label may read all-season or winter and will usually tell you the lowest temperature at which they'll work properly. Make sure to choose one that is designed for the climate your vehicle lives in. Some will also have a detergent in them to clean off the contaminants that dirty up your windshield and others will contain a chemical that will leave fewer streaks.

Some windshield washer fluids are made to be diluted, others are pre-mixed and intended to be poured directly into the washer fluid reservoir and used as is. 

The most important thing is to keep your windshield washer level up. Your service technician can make sure your vehicle is topped off with the right washer fluid and make sure your washer mechanism is working properly. It's a safety issue. You don't want to be caught out in the elements and unexpectedly find your washer fluid isn't available at your fingertips. It's no fun to drive blind any time, especially in extra-treacherous colder weather.

Here at Eureka Brake & Automotive we are committed to your driving safety. We can check you wash fluid and wiper blades to make sure they are ready for both winter weather and summer bugs.

Eureka Brake & Automotive <br/>707.443-2122 <br/>

Revised from content contributed by NAPA Service Assistant